Conformation Clustering Keyword

Keyword Options Description
CLUSTER Conformation clustering will be performed by using a single linkage algorithm.
This keyword should be used with “CONFLEX” keyword.
CCLUS_DISTANCE= Definition of conformation distance (similarity) to be used for conformation clustering.
TORSION RMS difference of torsion angles.
ATOM RMS difference of atomic position after superimposing.

Automatically defines the reference atoms or torsion angles to determine the conformation distance. When “CCLUS_DISTANCE=TORSION” is selected to the conformation distance

TORSION All torsion angles to be used.
COMPAR All torsion angles to be used for comparison with conformers.
PHIPSI All φ/ψ torsion angles of peptide. (only for peptide)

When “CCLUS_DISTANCE=ATOM” is specified to the conformation distance, the following options can be specified:

ALPHA All α carbons of peptide (only for peptide)
HEAVY All heavy atoms
NOHYD All atoms except for hydrogen


The atom number of the referenced atom, or atom numbers of the central bond of the reference torsion angle. This keyword uses one line to specify one reference.


The atom number of the atom to be excluded from reference atoms, the atom numbers of the central bond to be excluded from reference torsion angles. This keyword uses one line to specify one reference.


Threshold of conformation distance for conformation clustering
AUTO prepares the threshold automatically
CCLUS_LIMIT_MAX= f.ff Maximum value of threshold for conformation clustering
CCLUS_EGFUNC= Sort index is specified.
STERIC sorted by the “STERIC” energy order
FREE sorted by the Gibbs' “FREE” energy order
CCLUS_MAXCONF= n Maximum number of conformers referenced in conformation clustering.

UV/Vis/CD Spectrum and PPP/SCF-MO keyword

Keyword Options Description
UVCD UV/Vis/CD Spectrum calculation will be performed.
CDUV Same with “UVCD”
PIA_OPT= In PPP/SCF-MO calculation, all π-atoms are automatically selected. However, SCF Instability is often caused by including some types of π-atoms, carbonyl and peptide bonds in widely distributed aromatic system.
NOPEP exclude all peptide bonds (CONH)
NOATE exclude all carboxyl groups (COO)
PIA_DEL= I Exclude I-atom from π-atoms
SCF= Selection of SCF methods
PPP General PPP/SCF-MO calculation
VESCF Variable electronegativity calculation (Allinger's approach)



Extensions of SCF-PPP calculation.
VB Variable beta method
VG Variable gamma method
NEWG New gamma method
SCF_ITER= N Maximum number of SCF iterations.
SCF_CONV= f.ff Threshold of SCF convergence.

Parameters of one-center term for atom type I bonded to atom type J (I and J are atom type number of MM2 force field):
Z: The number of π-electrons on atom type I (-J)
IP: Ionization potential for atom type I (-J)
G: One-center repulsion integral
H: Coulomb integral of Hückel Molecular Orbital (HMO) method

PPPBOND= (I,J,B,K,A_0,A_1)

Parameters for bond between atom types I and J:
B: Resonance integral (β) for bond I-J
K: Resonance integral of (HMO) method for bond I-J
A_0, A_1: A0 and A1 parameters for variable β method

PPPGAMM= (I,J,D_0,D_1)

Parameters for bond between atom types I and J:
D_0, D_1: D0 and D1 parameters for variable γ method



(Nomo,Numo) Specifies the number of electrons on the occupied and unoccupied molecular orbitals consid- ered in Single-CI calculation.
CURVE_PLOT= (f1,f2,f3)

Range of spectrum, and incremental width for curve-fitting based on the gauss approximation.
f1: Starting point in wave number (cm-1)
f2: Terminal point in wave number (cm-1)
f3: Incremental step width in wave number (cm-1)

In this case, the spectrum values at total 301 points are reported.

Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
Default value is 2000.0 cm-1

NMR Analysis Keyword

Keyword Options Description

NMR 3J coupling constant calculation is performed.
When the keyword “NMR_3JATYPE=” and /or “NMR_3J_ NUNBER=” are included, NMR 3J coupling constants are calculated by Karplus equation with setting constants and coefficients. Otherwise, all combinations of vicinal proton-proton coupling pairs around Csp3-Csp3 are automatically listed and the 3JHH calculation is performed by Karplus-Imai equation.

NMR_3J_ATYPE= (W,X,Y,Z)(A)(COS,P_ COS,m,B1,B2,...) (SIN,P_ SIN,n,C1,C2,...)

Parameters of Karplus equation for 3JWZ coupling constants around X-Y bond are set. The general formula of Karplus equation is as follows:

NMR 3J AType

where W, X, Y, and Z are the serial number of atom types, and θ is W-X-Y-Z dihedral angle. Atom types, constants, and coefficients are separated by parentheses.
When the equation as below is applied to calculate 3JCH for atom types 1-6-1-5 (C-O-C-H),

NMR 3J AType-2

the corresponding keyword is below:


If the equation including only cosine as below is applied,

NMR 3J AType-3

the corresponding keyword is:


NMR_3J_NUNBER= (I,J,K,L)(A)(COS,P_COS,m,B1,B2,...)(SIN,P_SIN,n,C1,C2,...)

Parameters of Karplus equation for NMR 3JIL coupling constants around J-K bond are set. The general formula of Karplus equation is same as above, I, J, K, and L are serial num- bers of input data, and θ is I-J-K-L dihedral angle. Serial numbers, constants, and coefficients are separated by parentheses.

When the equation as below is applied to calculate 3J14 around 1-2-3-4 dihedral angle,

NMR 3J Number-1

the corresponding keyword is below:


If the equation including only cosine as below is applied,

NMR 3J Number-2

the corresponding keyword is below:


Note: When the parameters for I-J-K-L are already set by the keyword “NMR_3J_ATYPE=”, the setting based on the atom types is overridden by this keyword.

Solvent Effect Analysis Related Keywords using Generalized Born (GB/SA)

Keyword Options Description
GBSA GB/SA calculation will be performed.



Solvation energy analysis based on GB/SA calculation will be performed. In all options, GB/SA calculation will be performed after geometry optimization in gas phase. These options are set to the type of GB/SA calculation: -single-point (SINGLE) -geometry optimization (OPTIMZ or FREE) Solvation energy is defined by the total energy difference between gas phase and in solvent (SINGLE and OPTIMZ) or defined by the free energy difference between gas phase and in solvent (FREE).


Solvent type is specified. If no solvent name, water environment will be applied as default.


Define the dielectric constant of molecule. By default, this value is set to 1.0.

SA= NUM The calculation of solvent accessible surface area will be performed numerically.
IGNORE Do not calculate the non-electrostatic term.


Neighbor-List Reduction will be performed.
Default: ON

INIT_GEOM= SAME Initial geometry for the calculation that is including solvent effect is set to same as input geometry.